Not quite right

These people seemed kind of more full of themselves rather than for anyone else. I for one am not buying it. I'm not certain but it seems to me that this company is full of you know what? They sounded arrogant and pretty much as if they have had life served to them on a silver platter, all their life.
They don't have intentions on helping the planet. They are striving for themselves and no one else.

I could be wrong but if I'am, I invite you to prove it to me...

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The part that bothered me was the oil/environmental crap. I don't see it both ways. One way or the other.

Green Buildings

Amazing to me what we could do with our buildings to make it still green if we wanted. I think in the future, a lot of buildings should share the fresh air? Get multiple plants that contribute air and we could be getting closer to the future we would want for everyone. If we did this to enough buildings we could provide enough oxygen and possibly save the World that we appreciate everyday.

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