Do not just Reflect, Recycle

Plenty of people like to talk about solar. Even changing things for the better. Unfortunately for people like me, really making a impact is very far from my sense of reality because of my income. Even though I'm trying to do my best, it's really nothing in comparison.
Certain people, for instance "the government" and others could step it up a little more and help this planet out. Solar wise especially.
But every time I turn around, there is a trash bin but not a recycle bin.
Sure I can think when I'm recycling that I'm helping the earth out. But the little I do does not help me sleep at night.
Our children deserve a world better than what we live in right now! More recycling is needed world wide.If this picture is correct? The United States, Canada,South Africa and Australia are doing their part. At least with recycling. It's a start?

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